Turkiye (seaam)

Announcement International Congress on Education 2025, Turkiye (Istanbul)

Seaam.unaim-wamena.ac.id, Kuala Lumpur – Announcement International Congress on Education 2025, Turkiye (Istanbul), 7-11 May 2025.

SEAAM and the international partner will host the event hybrid.  The International Congress on Education stands as a pivotal gathering for educators, researchers, policymakers, and practitioners from across the globe. It serves as a dynamic platform for the exchange of cutting-edge research, innovative teaching methodologies, and transformative ideas shaping the future of education. Participants engage in thought-provoking discussions, exploring the most pressing challenges and opportunities facing education systems worldwide, from early childhood development to higher education and beyond. The Congress fosters a collaborative environment where diverse perspectives converge, sparking new insights and inspiring collective action towards improving educational outcomes for all.

This prestigious event offers a rich of experiences, including keynote addresses from renowned experts, interactive workshops, and presentations showcasing the latest advancements in educational theory and practice. Attendees have the opportunity to delve into a wide range of topics, such as educational technology, inclusive education, curriculum development, assessment strategies, and the evolving role of education in a rapidly changing world. The Congress provides a unique space for networking and building partnerships, connecting individuals and institutions dedicated to advancing the field of education. It’s a chance to learn from the best, share experiences, and contribute to the global conversation on education.

Beyond the formal sessions, the International Congress on Education cultivates a vibrant atmosphere for informal exchange and peer learning. Networking events, social gatherings, and poster presentations provide ample opportunities for participants to connect with colleagues from diverse backgrounds, share their work, and forge lasting professional relationships. This cross-cultural dialogue fosters a deeper understanding of the diverse educational contexts around the world and promotes the sharing of best practices across borders. The Congress strives to create a welcoming and inclusive environment where all voices are heard and valued.

The impact of the International Congress on Education extends far beyond the event itself. The knowledge and insights shared at the Congress often lead to concrete improvements in educational policies, programs, and practices at local, national, and international levels. By bringing together leading thinkers and practitioners, the Congress plays a vital role in driving innovation and shaping the future of education globally. It empowers educators and policymakers with the tools and knowledge they need to address the complex challenges facing education today and to create a more equitable and effective education system for future generations.

Finally, the International Congress on Education is a testament to the power of collaboration and the shared commitment to advancing education as a fundamental human right. It serves as a beacon of hope, inspiring individuals and institutions to work together towards a world where all learners have access to quality education and the opportunity to reach their full potential. The Congress is not just an event; it’s a movement, a collective effort to transform education and empower individuals to shape a brighter future for themselves and their communities.

seminar bahasa Indonesia (seaam)

Pengumuman Pembicara Kunci, Seminar Internasional Memartabatkan Bahasa Indonesia

Seaam.unaim-wamena.ac.id, – Kuala Lumpur, Pengumuman Pembicara Kunci, Seminar Internasional Memartabatkan Bahasa Indonesia, dengan pembicara kunci H. Tamsil Linrung, Wakil Ketua DPD RI.

Seminar Internasional Memartabatkan Bahasa Indonesia, dengan topik antara lain Kajian Linguistik, Sastra, dan Pengajaran Bahasa, akan dilaksanakan bersama Universitas Fatoni dan SEAAM, tanggal 28 Oktober 2025 di kampus Universitas Fatoni, Thailand

Bahasa Indonesia, sebagai bahasa kebangsaan dan bahasa persatuan, memainkan peranan yang amat penting dalam kehidupan masyarakat, bangsa, dan negara. Bahasa Indonesia bukan sahaja menjadi alat komunikasi, tetapi juga menjadi simbol identiti dan jati diri bangsa. Dalam era globalisasi dan kemajuan teknologi, usaha untuk terus mengembangkan, melestarikan, dan memartabatkan bahasa Indonesia menjadi semakin penting.

Sehubungan itu, “Seminar Internasional Memartabatkan Bahasa Indonesia” diadakan sebagai platform bagi para ahli bahasa, sastrawan, pengajar, peneliti, dan pemerhati bahasa Indonesia dari seluruh dunia untuk berkumpul dan bertukar idea. Seminar ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji secara mendalam pelbagai aspek yang berkaitan dengan bahasa Indonesia, termasuklah kajian linguistik, kajian sastera, dan kajian pengajaran bahasa.

Kajian linguistik akan merangkumi penelitian tentang struktur bahasa Indonesia, perubahan bahasa, dialektologi, sosiolinguistik, dan psikolinguistik. Melalui kajian ini, kita dapat memahami dengan lebih baik tentang hakikat bahasa Indonesia, bagaimana bahasa ini berfungsi, dan bagaimana bahasa ini berkembang. Kajian sastera pula akan meneliti sejarah sastera Indonesia, teori sastera, kritik sastera, dan kajian genre sastera. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk memahami kekayaan sastera Indonesia, bagaimana sastera mencerminkan realiti sosial dan budaya, serta bagaimana sastera dapat menjadi wadah untuk menyampaikan nilai-nilai murni.

Selain itu, seminar ini juga akan memfokuskan kepada kajian pengajaran bahasa Indonesia, termasuklah penelitian tentang kaedah pengajaran bahasa Indonesia, pengembangan bahan ajar, penilaian pembelajaran, dan inovasi dalam pengajaran bahasa. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualiti pengajaran bahasa Indonesia, sama ada sebagai bahasa ibunda mahupun sebagai bahasa asing.

Melalui seminar ini, diharapkan akan lahir rumusan-rumusan yang bernas bagi memperkukuh kedudukan bahasa Indonesia di persada nasional dan antarabangsa. Seminar ini juga diharapkan dapat menjadi momentum untuk meningkatkan kesedaran dan kepedulian masyarakat terhadap pentingnya bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa perpaduan, bahasa ilmu pengetahuan, dan bahasa budaya.

Oleh itu, penyertaan aktif menjadi jalan bagi kelancaran acara ini. Marilah kita bersama-sama menyumbang dalam usaha memartabatkan bahasa Indonesia, demi kemajuan bangsa dan negara.


Baliem Forum (Unmuh Barru)

Baliem Forum, (Papua) Indonesia, 17-25 May 2025

Seaam.unaim-wamena.ac.id, Makassar – The Baliem Forum, a significant cultural event held annually in the Baliem Valley of Papua, Indonesia, is a captivating celebration of the region’s vibrant indigenous cultures. Nestled amidst the breathtaking scenery of the Jayawijaya Mountains, this unique gathering brings together various tribes, including the Dani, Lani, and Yali, to showcase their rich traditions, intricate rituals, and remarkable cultural heritage.

At the heart of the Baliem Forum lies a vibrant display of traditional dances, each tribe presenting their unique movements and costumes. The air is filled with the rhythmic beats of traditional drums and the melodious chants of local singers, creating an atmosphere of cultural immersion. Visitors can witness exhilarating pig hunts, a traditional practice that holds deep cultural significance for the local tribes. These hunts, often involving elaborate rituals and competitive spirit, provide a glimpse into the unique social structures and values of the Baliem Valley communities.

Beyond the captivating performances, the Baliem Forum offers a valuable opportunity to experience the authentic lifestyle of the indigenous people. Visitors can interact with the local tribes, learn about their traditional crafts, and witness firsthand their intricate woodcarving, weaving, and pottery techniques. The market stalls overflow with colorful handicrafts, offering a unique chance to purchase souvenirs that reflect the rich cultural tapestry of the region.

The Baliem Forum plays a crucial role in preserving and promoting the cultural heritage of the Baliem Valley. It provides a platform for the indigenous communities to showcase their traditions to a wider audience, fostering cultural pride and encouraging inter-tribal understanding. Moreover, the forum contributes to the local economy by attracting tourists and generating income for the participating communities.

In conclusion, the Baliem Forum is a truly unforgettable experience that offers a unique glimpse into the rich and diverse cultures of the Baliem Valley. This vibrant celebration of indigenous traditions provides a valuable opportunity for visitors to connect with the local communities, appreciate their unique heritage, and contribute to the preservation of these invaluable cultural treasures for generations to come.

Mediation (Unmuh Barru)

World Conference on Mediation, Wamena (Papua) May 2025

Unmuhbarru.ac.id, Barru – World Conference on Mediation, Wamena (Papua) 17-25 May 2025.

The World Conference on Mediation is a significant global gathering that brings together a diverse community of mediators, academics, policymakers, and practitioners from around the world. This prestigious event serves as a crucial platform for discussing and advancing the field of mediation in all its forms, including but not limited to family, commercial, environmental, and international disputes. The conference provides a unique opportunity for attendees to engage in insightful discussions, share best practices, explore innovative approaches, and build meaningful connections with colleagues from various backgrounds and expertise.

The World Conference on Mediation typically features a rich program of keynote speeches, panel discussions, workshops, and networking events. Renowned experts and thought leaders in the field share their valuable insights and experiences, offering valuable perspectives on contemporary challenges and future directions for the mediation profession. These presentations and discussions cover a wide range of topics, such as the role of technology in mediation, cultural diversity and cross-cultural mediation, the ethics and standards of practice, and the impact of mediation on access to justice and sustainable development.

Furthermore, the conference fosters collaboration and knowledge exchange among participants. Through interactive workshops and facilitated discussions, attendees have the opportunity to engage in hands-on learning experiences, develop practical skills, and explore innovative approaches to mediation practice. The conference also provides a valuable platform for networking and building relationships with colleagues from different countries and cultural backgrounds. These connections can lead to future collaborations, partnerships, and the development of international networks for the advancement of mediation.

The World Conference on Mediation plays a crucial role in shaping the future of the mediation field. By bringing together leading experts and practitioners from around the world, the conference contributes to the development of best practices, the dissemination of knowledge, and the advancement of innovative approaches to conflict resolution. The insights and perspectives shared at the conference can inform policy decisions, enhance professional development, and ultimately contribute to a more just and peaceful world.

In conclusion, the World Conference on Mediation is an indispensable event for anyone involved in or interested in the field of mediation. It provides a unique opportunity for learning, growth, and collaboration, fostering a global community of practitioners dedicated to advancing the art and science of mediation. By attending the conference, individuals can expand their knowledge, refine their skills, and contribute to the ongoing evolution of this vital profession.

Arafura (SEAAM)

Mengenalkan Arafura Higher Education Cooperation

Seaam.unaim-wamena.ac.id, Makassar – Mengenalkan Arafura Higher Education Cooperation. Sebagai sebuah platform untuk kerjasama di kawasan laut Arafura secara luas.

Wilayah Arafura dan Potensi Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi

Wilayah Arafura, yang mencakup bagian utara Australia dan wilayah selatan Indonesia, Papua Nugini, dan Timor Leste, memiliki potensi besar untuk kerjasama pendidikan tinggi. Beberapa faktor yang mendukung hal ini antara lain:

  • Kedekatan geografis: Letak geografis yang berdekatan memungkinkan mobilitas mahasiswa dan staf pengajar antar negara.
  • Kesamaan budaya dan bahasa: Adanya kesamaan budaya dan bahasa, terutama di antara masyarakat pesisir, dapat mempermudah interaksi dan kolaborasi.
  • Potensi sumber daya alam: Wilayah Arafura kaya akan sumber daya alam seperti minyak bumi, gas alam, dan perikanan. Kerjasama pendidikan tinggi dapat membantu mengembangkan kapasitas sumber daya manusia untuk mengelola sumber daya alam tersebut secara berkelanjutan.
  • Tantangan bersama: Wilayah Arafura juga menghadapi tantangan bersama seperti perubahan iklim, bencana alam, dan pembangunan berkelanjutan. Kerjasama pendidikan tinggi dapat menghasilkan solusi inovatif untuk mengatasi tantangan-tantangan tersebut.

Potensi Bentuk Kerjasama

Beberapa bentuk kerjasama pendidikan tinggi yang mungkin dilakukan di wilayah Arafura antara lain:

  • Pertukaran mahasiswa dan staf pengajar: Program pertukaran dapat memperluas wawasan mahasiswa dan meningkatkan kualitas pengajaran.
  • Penelitian bersama: Kolaborasi dalam penelitian dapat menghasilkan temuan-temuan baru yang bermanfaat bagi masyarakat.
  • Program studi bersama: Perguruan tinggi di wilayah Arafura dapat mengembangkan program studi bersama yang relevan dengan kebutuhan regional.
  • Kunjungan timbal balik: Kunjungan timbal balik dapat memperkuat hubungan antar perguruan tinggi dan memfasilitasi diskusi akademik.

Manfaat Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi

Kerjasama pendidikan tinggi di wilayah Arafura dapat memberikan banyak manfaat, antara lain:

  • Peningkatan kualitas pendidikan: Kerjasama dapat meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan melalui pertukaran ide, sumber daya, dan best practice.
  • Penguatan kapasitas sumber daya manusia: Kerjasama dapat membantu mengembangkan kapasitas sumber daya manusia yang dibutuhkan untuk pembangunan berkelanjutan.
  • Penguatan hubungan antar negara: Kerjasama dapat memperkuat hubungan antar negara di wilayah Arafura melalui pendidikan dan budaya.
  • Kontribusi pada pembangunan berkelanjutan: Kerjasama dapat berkontribusi pada pembangunan berkelanjutan dengan menghasilkan solusi inovatif untuk mengatasi tantangan-tantangan regional.

Meskipun potensi kerjasama pendidikan tinggi di wilayah Arafura sangat besar, namun ada beberapa tantangan yang perlu diatasi, seperti perbedaan sistem pendidikan, keterbatasan infrastruktur, dan kurangnya dana. Namun, tantangan ini juga merupakan peluang untuk mengembangkan solusi yang kreatif dan inovatif.

Kerjasama pendidikan tinggi di wilayah Arafura memiliki potensi yang sangat besar untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat dan mendorong pembangunan berkelanjutan. Dengan adanya dukungan dari pemerintah, perguruan tinggi, dan masyarakat, kerjasama ini dapat menjadi kenyataan.

Student Mobility (Seaam)

Workshop di UUM Kampus Kuala Lumpur, Mengiringi Kegiatan Student Mobility

Seaam.unaim-wamena.ac.id, Makassar – Hari kedua, pelaksanaan Student Mobility dengan kegiatan Workshop di UUM.

Bersama dengan Prof. Aidi Ahmi, peserta mengikuti kegiatan Workshop on BiblioMagika for Beginner, Sabtu, 12 Oktober 2024 bertempat di Universiti Utara Malaysia, kampus Kuala Lumpur.

Dalam sesi Workshop on BiblioMagika, peserta diperkenalkan terkait dengan analisis bibliometrik, dan juga mengidentifikasi penggunaannya. Bergitu pula dengan aplikasi sejenis yang juga digunakan untuk keperluan yang sama.